English, Kehidupan

Just Following

From my experience and research since nowdays,there is tendency about disliked or no intrested children or our generation that shaped by digital technology that makes tendency,they feels lazy reading some books,on other hand they wants all matters more instant,faster and real time.

Googling is became a common word for nowadays.

You just need do it some copy paste,then makes some modifications,then raising a content,digital technology has make it more easier,day by day,that’s why in present day you just need pick up something from internet,and some television broadcastings has make Youtube as one of news source,and some television broadcasting in Indonesia,their tv show has make Youtube as the Prime Source.

I loved Youtube,from my perspective,nowadays the platform is more better than some television broadcasting from mainstream media.

Despite there are some lacks and hoaxes,Youtube has gave to us what we want and need,it’s better,sobriety and real time,maybe once a day in the future,our certificate or degree (in education) is just for formality.

The name is future,the situation should depends then generation,including now/present day generation and tomorow generation that shaped by then generation,over and over. Baby Boomers inheriting wealthy to beyond generation (x,millenial and z),that more digital geeks and want almost all matters are instanly.

steve jobs (from baby boomers generation)was said”someday at a home there four person who each others have computers”,his words not only a prediction,but an apocalpyso also for nowadays. So Baby Boomers has major role for shaping the next generation that more selfish,isolated and geek information technology.

Then nowadays mostly z generation that prefer running carier as content creator (youtuber,celebgram and tiktoker).

When you asking to one of z generation with an answer”What Career That You Prefer”,they would gave an answer”I Want To Be A Youtuber”,then you asking to its friend,it would gave an answer”I Want To Be Celebgram”,then you asking to third person of them,it would gave an answer”I Want To Be A Tictoker”.

Three platform above for blogging that most populer nowadays.

By the way how about blogging that use it blogspot and wordpress,it’s like words”Every Dog Has His Day”,all matter in our world,there is triumph era,while time is ticking.

Post 2014 untill now,blogspot and wordpress is looks like old fashioned to z generation.

Tumblr? As i know,their triumph untill 2015,and now almost forgotten by youngers,especially z generation.

For them education (formal) is not solution,well i agree to opinion that education not only we got it in school chair,however they should must with liked reading books (in physic form-such papers) not only browsing and googling.

lnteresting! But children and teenanger is not only one like that,from official until their parents makings content now,from romantic relationship and profesional relationship both is content now,as well as hillarious untill country and police is functional,as long as going viral,younger just did adaption with”the world”that we creation,it’s by natural.

Well next generation JUST FOLLOWING.


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